🌽 First Calf Heifer Nutrition Tips

Strategies for Beef to Compete, Battling Mud, BVD Protection from Ranching.com by CattleMax

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Mark Mitchell

🌽 Nutrition Matters - First-calf heifers face unique nutritional challenges post-calving, and skimping on energy can delay rebreeding—costing producers up to 40 pounds in weaning weight per missed heat cycle. Experts stress the importance of meeting their higher energy needs, as young cows prioritize growth over reproduction.

💰 Abortion is Costly - Abortion is an issue in beef and dairy herds, yet many cases go unnoticed or unreported. Infectious agents like Neospora caninum and Trueperella pyogenes are major culprits, but non-infectious causes also play a role. Experts stress the importance of record-keeping, diagnostics, and vaccination—because every lost pregnancy cuts into profitability.

💪🏼 Strategies for Beef to Compete - After years of herd liquidation, the U.S. beef industry is shifting toward rebuilding, with tight supplies driving record-high cattle prices. Experts say managing costs, diversifying operations, and demonstrating beef’s value will be key to staying competitive against cheaper proteins. As demand remains strong, strategic planning and risk management will be critical for long-term profitability.

🟫 Battling the Mud - Fluctuating temperatures and muddy conditions increase the risk of pneumonia, scours, and hypothermia in calves. Kansas State veterinarian AJ Tarpoff urges producers to be proactive with bedding, pen management, and monitoring for early signs of illness. Working closely with a veterinarian and maintaining biosecurity measures can help keep calves healthy during unpredictable weather swings.

💉 BVD: Protect, Prevent, Profit - Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) can cause severe reproductive losses and health issues in cattle, making prevention critical for producers. Cornell University experts stress the importance of vaccination, biosecurity, and testing to minimize herd exposure and reduce the risk of persistently infected (PI) animals. Implementing strict quarantine protocols and screening new additions can help safeguard herd health and profitability.

🌵 Drought Threat Looms - Meteorologists warn that worsening drought conditions across key cattle regions could extend into spring and summer, impacting forage availability. A stalled jet stream and shifting ocean temperatures are limiting moisture, raising concerns for producers heading into the growing season. While an April snowstorm could help replenish soil moisture, the outlook suggests continued dry conditions and potential heat stress for livestock.


Kacey Green

Managing the spring flush of tall fescue through management-intensive grazing (MIG) helps maintain high-quality forage and prevents overgrowth. Experts recommend starting rotational grazing early and incorporating stocker cattle to optimize pasture use and boost weight gains. Proper grazing strategies keep forage in a vegetative state, improving herd nutrition, pasture health, and overall profitability.

Austin Schroeder

A well-structured vaccination program is key to preventing reproductive losses and respiratory diseases in cow-calf herds. The University of Missouri experts emphasize the importance of vaccinating against common threats like BVDV, IBR, and clostridial diseases while following a strategic schedule for cows, calves, and replacement heifers. Working closely with a veterinarian ensures optimal protection and herd health throughout the production cycle.


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A good fence should be pig-tight, horse-high, and bull-strong.”

Old Farmers’ Advice

Proper nutrition for first-calf heifers is critical to ensure timely rebreeding and maximize weaning weights. How do you manage nutrition for your first-calf heifers post-calving?

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What is your preferred method for managing livestock mortalities on your operation?

21.05%: Composting

10.52%: Rendering

3.50%: Incineration

61.40%: Burial

3.50%: Other

  • “Not enough info on composting or we might try it although we only have one or two a year to dispose of due to lightning or some other cause ”

  • “Leave dead animals draws black vultures, especially during calving season. These things need to be eradicated. At least stop protecting them with federal law. Lucky I have a backhoe.”

  • “We don't always have a compost pile to put them in or will have a compost pile available long enough for thorough composting of the carcass”

  • “Dead Wagon”