📈 Farm Income to See a Softer Landing

Anthrax Resurgence, No Fakes in Nebraska and Eye Tracking Bull Buying from Ranching.com by CattleMax

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📈 Farm Income to See a Softer Landing

📈 Farm Income to See a Softer Landing - The USDA's updated 2024 farm income projections show a smaller decline than previously expected. Net cash farm income is forecast to fall 7%, and net farm income by 4.4%, improved from earlier predictions. While crop incomes, especially for corn and wheat, are down, livestock producers, particularly dairy and egg farmers, are expected to benefit. Overall, farm income remains above the 20-year average, with only a slight increase in household income, adjusted for inflation.

🐮 Beef X Dairy - The rise of beef x dairy crossbred calves, due to advances in sexed-semen technology, enhances carcass quality but does not increase overall cattle numbers. This shift in genetic composition of dairy calves doesn’t significantly impact total beef production or prices, though it opens new market opportunities and blurs the lines between beef and dairy sectors.

😷 Anthrax Resurgence - Anthrax has been confirmed in several beef herds in Carbon County, Wyoming - the first case in the state since the 1970s. The outbreak was diagnosed by the Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory on August 31. The disease, caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis, thrives in soil and typically emerges after droughts followed by rain. The Wyoming Livestock Board is addressing the situation with measures including carcass disposal and vaccination.

🌎 Steady Demand - In July, U.S. beef exports rose 7% to 110,419 metric tons, with a 12% increase in value to $910.9 million, driven by strong demand in Japan, Taiwan, and Mexico. Pork exports also grew by 10%, reaching 241,210 metric tons, with a record $244.5 million in shipments to Mexico. Despite a 12% drop in lamb export volume, its value increased by 13%. Overall, U.S. beef and pork exports are showing strong performance and promising trends for the year.

🧪 No Fakes in Nebraska - Governor Jim Pillen has introduced measures to safeguard Nebraska’s agriculture from lab-grown meat, including an executive order limiting state procurement of such products. The Nebraska Department of Agriculture will create rules for labeling lab-grown meat and ensuring it’s not sold next to natural meat. A public hearing on these regulations is scheduled for October 8. Additionally, Pillen plans to propose a legislative ban on lab-grown meat in the upcoming session.

🐂 Eye Tracking Bull Buying - Dr. Charley Martinez's research at the BIF Symposium revealed the complexity of bull selection due to the significant impact of bulls on a herd. His study showed that using EPDs and percentile ranks helps producers more accurately predict bull sale prices. Martinez also found that the presentation order of data in sale catalogs affects buyer decisions, suggesting that better data presentation could improve the use of performance tools.


What Is the Best Needle Size to Use When Working Cattle?

Choosing the right needle for livestock depends on animal size, product viscosity, and injection site. Larger gauges are used for thicker fluids and bigger animals, while smaller gauges suit younger or smaller animals. Needle length should match the injection site, with longer needles needed for deeper injections. Regularly changing needles, especially in disease-prone herds, and replacing damaged needles is crucial for effective and safe treatment.

Five Tips to be Ready for Fall

With the busy fall season approaching, ensure your cattle operations run smoothly by preparing in advance. Focus on maintaining detailed records, planning breeding and calving needs, establishing effective weaning protocols, and addressing nutritional requirements. Proper preparation now will help you manage the busy months ahead efficiently.


"Let your joy be in your journey — not in some distant goal."

Tim Cook


How prepared do you feel to manage an outbreak of disease, like anthrax, at your operation

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Do you have a succession plan in place for your operation?

29.7%: Yes, we have a plan in place.

18.9%: We have started the conversation.

27.1%: Not yet, but it is an upcoming priority.

24.3%: No, we have not put a plan in place.


Conversation Started

  • “We have visited with a lawyer and need to complete the paperwork.”

  • “No one wants to talk of death.”

Not Yet

  • “We discuss that the ranch will go to us kids but don’t have specifics in place.”

  • “We are hoping to by end of the year.”